Flight to Cusco

Traveling from Santiago to Lima to Cusco. The flight starts at 08:40 in Santiago, with a short stop in Lima and then it arrives at around 15:00 in Cusco. I was glad to leave Santiago, because I just could not feel comfortable there. With the stress and confusion resulting from high population means I cannot relax in big cities.
The plane flight was quite something, in the daylight I had spectacular views of the Andes and I was glad to have chosen the window seat. Despite the length of time, soon enough we were descending into the valley of Cusco with its city buildings stuck like a splodge of dirt at one end.
Upon exiting Cusco airport  I was welcomed by a swarm of tour operators offering me every deal under the sun. Thankfully my hotel had organised personal transport, a guy with a placard somehow managed to places his sign such that I was able to identify his purpose,  so I was rescued: now I know what it is like to be a pop star.
Not so easy, the sell job was on: I had to politely repel the taxi driver's attempt to hard sell me a $150US + expenses escorted trip tomorrow round the Sacred Valley when I arrived at the hotel. I am staying in San Blas at the Andean South Inn. The accommodation was just what I needed, quiet and clean.
To get to the hotel, there was a bit of a walk to it as the taxi could not get to the hotel, I was grateful to be travelling with a backpack, luggage with wheels or suitcases would be a nightmare.
For the first time I experienced the headiness and breathlessness that altitude brings on to us used to a sea level existence. It was tiring to ascend the stairs and generally do anything. At around 3700m where I am, it was hardly surprising.
After checking in I managed a very slow stroll round San Blas and was generally pleased with the olde worlde feel of the place.
The marvels of the Inca civil works are apparent everywhere in this city, just look at the massive boulders sitting neatly on top of each other to form these massive walls.
The people are quite short in this country, I am no giant but at times felt to be one. The traditional clothing is fantastic and I’m looking forward to a bit of wardrobe enhancement at the end of my journey.
Dinner at the inn was very good, and sleep came at an early hour of 9pm.  Sleep, sleep, I want sleep and got it – sort of. I woke in the middle of the night with a mild head-ache, more like a pressure on the temples and back of the head. I consumed a few glasses of water and went back to bed. Water seemed to do the trick, I had been drinking it most of the day as there were only mild symptoms in the morning.

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